Contact information:
Office location: Vertical Campus 8-270B
Phone: (646) 312-3811
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Lab affiliations: Workplace Mistreatment and Employee Well-being and Diversity, Interventions, and Health
Nicolette Rainone
Undergraduate Institution: Cornell University
I am broadly interested in diversity and discrimination in the workplace, as well as how these issues intersect with a wide variety of topics, including employee health and well-being, leadership, and creativity/innovation in organizations. Currently, I am working on my thesis, which examines how learning that an early-career job applicant is part of a dual-career couple may impact selection decisions involving relocation.
Representative publications and presentations:
Zhou, Z. E., Che, X., Rainone, N. A. (invited). Workplace ostracism and employee prosocial and antisocial organizational behaviors. In C. Liu and J. Ma (Eds.) Workplace Ostracism: Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences.
Rainone, N. A., Watts, L. L., Mulhearn, T. J., McIntosh, T. J., & Medeiros, K. E. (in press). The impact of happy and sad affective states on biases in ethical decision making. Ethics & Behavior.
Lee, P. J.*, Rainone, N. A.*, Aiken, J. R., Dickson, M. W., Scherbaum, C. A., Chen, T., Hanges, P. J. (2020). Where are they now? Re-examining the migration of I-O psychologists to business schools. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 57. [* = equal authorship, authors listed alphabetically]
Leung, D. W., Rainone, N., & Alenick, P. R. (2019, April). Falling off the glass cliff? Black women head coaches in NCAA women's basketball. Poster to be presented at the 34th annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, National Harbor, MD.
Leung, D. W. & Rainone, N. (2018). Where are the women of color in I-O Psychology? Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11, 433-439. [equal authorship, authors listed alphabetically]