Contact information:Office location: Vertical Campus, 8-270C Email: Alessa.Natale@baruch.cuny.eduLab affiliations: Personnel Selection and Employee Assessment and Leadership, Ethics and Creativity

Contact information:

Office location: Vertical Campus, 8-270C

Lab affiliations: Personnel Selection and Employee Assessment and Leadership, Ethics and Creativity

Alessa Natale

Undergraduate Institution: Boston College

My research interests are broad, but I’m primarily interested in studying modern issues in leadership, including diversity and creative & elite performance, as well as performance management broadly. My Master’s thesis explores evaluations of transgender leaders and how those differ based on the leader’s performed/expressed gender and gendered leadership behaviors. I am also currently working on projects involving applications of neuroscience and innovative technologies (e.g., eye tracking) in research and practice, extreme teams, firgun (being happy for someone else’s success), and mindfulness as it relates to I-O psychology issues.

Representative Publications and Presentations:

  • Altizer, C., Ferrell, B., & Natale, A. N. (under review). Mindfulness and personality: More natural for some than others. Journal of Consulting Psychology.

  • Feitosa, J., Burke, C. S., Natale, A. N., & Harmata, R. K. (under review). Lessons learned from extreme teams: Reconciling research and practice needs. Organizational Psychology Review.

  • Gu, H., Gray, B., Natale, A. N., Leung, D. W., Lee, P. J., & Watts, L. L. (2020, April). Do popular films present valid cases of outstanding leadership? In K. Walters, J. Lovelace, and S. Hunter (Co-chairs) symposium, What’s new with CIP model of leadership research? Novel advancements and applications. Presented at the 35th annual conference of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.

  • Naidoo, L. J., Natale A. N.*, & Lee, S.* (2019, April). Using eye tracking to study motivational processes. In C. A. Scherbaum & P. J. Hanges (Chairs), In the Mind’s Eye: Eye Tracking as a Tool for the Organizational Sciences. Symposium conducted at the 34th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Washington, D.C./ National Harbor, M.D.

  • Natale, A. N., Rainone, N. A., & Watts, L. L. (2020, April). Transforming leadership impressions: Effects of trans label, gender & behavior. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.

  • Patel, K. R.*, Becker, W.*, & Natale, A. N.* (2020, April). Co-Chairs. Can Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience Answer Problems in Performance Management? Panel Discussion conducted at the 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.

  • Watts, L. L., Patel, K. R., Rothstein, E. G., & Natale, A. N. (2019). How do leaders plan for firm innovation? Strategic planning processes and constraints. In M. D. Mumford (Ed.) Frontier Series on Organizational Creativity & Innovation. Taylor & Francis.

    * denotes equal authorship.