Path to Degree

The program is designed for students to complete the degree requirements in five years. The program is full-time and in person. Part-time or on-line options are not offered.

Year 1 (18 credits completed)

Fall semester:  Organizational Psychology or Staffing; Statistics I; Research Methods

Spring semester:  Statistics II; Independent Reading with Thesis Advisor; IO psychology content course (plus Teaching Practicum at Graduate Center for 0 credits)   

Year 2 (36 total credits completed)

Fall semester:  Organizational psychology or staffing; One required or elective course. Independent Research course with Thesis advisor

Spring semester:  Three required or elective courses. Presentation of thesis research idea at Brown Bag meeting.

Year 3 (54 total credits completed)

Fall semester:  Three required or elective courses. Successful oral defense of approved thesis proposal no later than Sept. 30. 

Spring semester:  Three required or elective courses. Successful oral defense of completed Thesis project by May 31. Prepare for Comprehensive exam over the summer.

Year 4 (60 total credits completed)

Fall semester:  Two required or elective courses. Comprehensive exam taken. Begin dissertation.

 Spring semester: Work on dissertation.

Years 5/6

Completion of dissertation. Additional elective courses (optional). Part-time applied fieldwork experience or internship (optional).