Contact information:Office location:  Email: Follow me on Twitter LinkedIn: Luke Kayga Lab affiliation: Personnel Selection and Employee Assessment Lab

Contact information:

Office location:
Follow me on Twitter
LinkedIn: Luke Kayga
Lab affiliation: Diversity, Interventions, & Health Lab

Luke Kayga

Undergraduate institution: Penn State University

My primary research interests involve studying the effects of political ideology in the workplace, but more broadly speaking, my main areas of research in graduate school have been in the areas of diversity and leadership development. My thesis project involved investigating how the political views of a leader may impact follower psychological safety and creativity when followers have shared or conflicting political views with their leader. For my dissertation, I am looking at how trainee political views predict differences in reactions to diversity trainings and subsequent learning from these trainings. For the past year, I have been involved in providing executive coaching to Master's students at Baruch College and I will be continuing that work while I complete my dissertation. 

Representative publications and presentations:

  • Kayga, L. (2023). Comfort in Familiarity? The effects of shared leader/follower political views at work [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. 

  • Cheban, Y., Kayga, L., Scherbaum, C., Hanges, P. (2020). Opportunities in I-O research utilizing eye-tracking methodology. The 36th Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology, April 2021. New Orleans, Louisiana. ​​ 

  • Dinh, J. V. & Kayga, L. (2021, February). Leading teams. Workshop presented as part of the Team Science Skills Workshop Series to the Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance, February 2021.  

  • Dinh, J. V., Reyes, D. L., Kayga, L., Lindgren, C., Feitosa, J., & Salas, E. (2021). Developing team trust: Leader insights for virtual settings. Organizational Dynamics50(1), 100846. 

  • Kayga, L., Weglarz, L., Watts, L. (2020). Will old habits die hard? An outlook on leadership development. The 36th Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology, April 2021. New Orleans, Louisiana. ​ 

  • Kayga, L., Sutphin, D. J., Rodriguez, W. A., Dinh, J. V. (2022). Clarifying cultural training: A theoretical operationalization and narrative review [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States. 

  • Ray, E. J. & Kayga, L. (2022). Does Telework Work? Clarifying the effects of telework on work-family conflict [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States. 

  • Weglarz, L. Kayga, L. Watts, L. (2020). Taking Stock of Theory in Leadership Development: A Consilience Analysis Approach. The 36th Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology, April 2021. New Orleans, Louisiana.