Contact information:
Office location: Vertical Campus 8-270A
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Lab affiliation: Emotions in Organizations
Manuel (Manny) Gonzalez
Undergraduate institution: Rutgers University
My research primarily pertains to (a) the influences of emotions (felt or expressed) on individuals, relationships, and the organization, (b) fairness in the workplace, with a recent focus on how employees perceive artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and (c) the interplay between emotions and fairness on behavior. Across my research, I often push back against various assumptions regarding what is "good" or "bad." For example, I have found that (a) people can react to envy constructively, despite envy being an unpleasant emotion, (b) distractions can sometimes improve task performance, and (c) social support can sometimes negatively predict job satisfaction. I thus advocate for a balanced, value-judgment free consideration of emotions and various organizational phenomena.
Representative publications and presentations:
Martin, N. R., Morgan, K., Capman, J. F., Boyce, A. S., Gonzalez, M. F., & Adler, S. (in press). New frontiers in cognitive ability testing: Working memory. Journal of Managerial Psychology.
*Crusius, J., *Gonzalez, M. F., *Lange, J., & *Cohen-Charash, Y. (2020). Envy: An adversarial review and comparison of two competing views. Emotion Review, 12(1), 3-21.
Gonzalez, M. F., & Aiello, J. R. (2019). More than meets the ear: Investigating how music affects cognitive task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 25, 431-444.
Gonzalez, M. F., Capman, J. F., Martin, N. R., McClure Johnson, T., Theys, E. R., Boyce, A. S. (2019). Personality and the ADA: Ameliorating fairness concerns and maintaining utility. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 12, 151-156.Gonzalez, M. F., Capman, J. F., Oswald, F. L., Theys, E. R., & Tomczak, D. L. (2019). “Where’s the I-O?” Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Talent Management Systems. Personnel Assessment and Decisions, 5, 33-44.
*denotes equal author contribution.