Contact information:
Office location: VC 8-270F
Lab affiliations: Diversity and Careers Lab
Brian Lewis
Undergraduate institution: Xavier University of Louisiana
My research interests include diversity in the workplace and improving fairness in selection methods.
Representative publications and presentations:
Lewis, B. (2022, November 9-12). Gendered Mothering: Unequal Punishment in Dyadic Parental Relationships [Poster Session]. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Students, Anaheim, Ca, United States.
Lewis, B. (2022, March 26). Gendered Mothering: Unequal Punishment in Dyadic Parental Relationships [Oral Session]. SouthEastern Undergraduate Sociology Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
Lewis, B. (2021, July 21). Examining Coping Styles in Black Faculty and Staff Organizations at Predominantly White Institutions [Oral Session]. Summer Research Opportunities Program, Virtual, United States.
Lewis, B. (2021, April 8). Examining Racial Climate, Discrimination, and Stress in your College Experience [Oral Session]. Xavier University Festival of Scholars, Virtual, United States.