Contact information:
Office location: Vertical Campus 8-270D
Lab affiliation: Workplace Mistreatment and Employee Well-being
Linked In page
Ethan Ray
Undergraduate Institution: Penn State University
My research broadly focuses on employee selection and occupational health psychology (OHP). My Master’s thesis explores technology-mediated interviews and how evaluators interact with this novel medium. I am also currently working on projects involving OHP such as email incivility and work-family conflict as a function of telework.
Representative publications and presentations:
Zhou, Z. E., Pindek, S., Ray, E. J. (2022). Browsing away from rude emails: Effects of daily active and passive email incivility on employee cyberloafing. Journal of Occupational Health.
Ray, E. J., Kayga, L. (2022). Does Telework Work? Clarifying the effects of telework on work-family conflict [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.
Ray, E. J., Pindek, S., Zhou, Z. E. (2022). Effects of Daily Active and Passive Email Incivility on Employee Cyberloafing [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.
Vossen, D., Kuriansky, J., Ray, E. J., Cullimore, B., Evans, S., Tapper, G., Bazibuhe, J., Kikuni, L., Imani, F. (2021, August). Boosting Health Behavior, Building Resilience and Busting Myths: Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, (Virtual).
Ray, E. J., Zhou, Z. E. & Xinxuan, C. (2021, April). Passive Leadership as a Predictor of Turnover Intention via Job Insecurity. Poster presented at the 36th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, (Virtual).
Cheban, Y., Ray, E. J., & Scherbaum C. A. (2021, April). Video Interviewing: A Best Practices Discussion. Panel discussion at the 36th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, (Virtual).
Shah, S., Rodriguez, W., Ray, E. J., Xinxuan, C. & Zhou, Z. E. (2020, April). Workplace Incivility and Work-Family Conflict: Effects of Negative Rumination and Mindfulness. Poster presented at the 35th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Austin, TX.