Contact information:
Lab affiliations: Emotions in Organizations
Dina Fleyshmakher
Undergraduate institution: Rutgers University
My research and academic interests broadly encompass emotions, the influence of leaders, and coaching. In my Master’s thesis, I qualitatively examine contempt in the workplace.
Representative publications and presentations:
Fleyshmakher, D., Sutphin, D. J., Cheban, Y. M., & Cohen-Charash, Y. (2023, April). Chairs of Bridging I & O Psychology II: A Two-Way Street. Symposium to be presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Boston, MA.
Weglarz, E., Fleyshmakher, D., & Cohen-Charash, Y. (2023, April). Making Sense of Qualitative Data: Noteworthy and Novel Approaches. IGNITE! session to be conducted at the 38th annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Boston, MA.
Fleyshmakher, D., & Cohen-Charash, Y. (2022, July). Curb Your Contempt: A Qualitative Study of Contempt in the Workplace. Poster presented at the biannual conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Los Angeles, California.
Gonzalez, M.F. (Co-Chair), Fleyshmakher, D. (Co-Chair), Cohen-Charash, Y. (Co-Chair), Einola, K., Grandey, A. A., Langer, M., & Volmer, J. (2022). Judging a Construct by its Cover: Value Judgments in I-O Psychology. Panel presented at the 37th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.
Weglarz, E. (Co-Chair), Fleyshmakher, D. (Co-Chair), Cohen-Charash, Y. (Co-Chair), Gonzalez, M.F. (Co-Chair), Bartunek, J.M., Dinh, J.V., Langley, A., Pratt, M., & Symon, G. (2022). Qualitative Research for I-Os: Opportunities and Approaches. Panel presented at the 37th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.
Alenick, P. R., Lee, S., Fleyshmakher, D., & Cohen-Charash, Y. (2021, April). Chairs of Got a bad reputation: Better understanding socially undesirable emotions. Symposium presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.