Contact information:
Office location: Vertical Campus 8-270F
Lab affiliation: Interpersonal Processes
Joshua Nagel
Undergraduate Institution: Yeshiva University
My research broadly focuses on interpersonal relationships in the workplace. My dissertation will focus on the experiences of religious employees requesting workplace religious accommodations and the impact of those requests on coworkers. My master’s thesis explored how cooperative or competitive tasks interact with a coworker’s behavior to explain instances of – and motives for - workplace mistreatment.
Representative publications and presentations:
Nagel, J. A., Sommer, K. L. (2023, August 4-8). Why so quiet? Investigating effects of coworker interdependency and incivility on use of ostracism. In Mean people suck: New perspectives on ostracism and bullying at work [Paper session]. Academy of Management 2023 Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Benson, A., Praslova, L., Colley., K., Menendez., J. & Nagel, J. A. (2023, April 20-22). Accessible for who? A critical discussion on the state of accommodations [Panel]. SIOP 2023 Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States.
Nagel, J. A., Gonzalez, M. F., & Cohen-Charash, Y. (2022). Feeling heard: Envy-invoking social comparisons, voice, and task performance [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.
Nagel, J. A., Shah, S. S., & Zhou, Z. E. (2022). How stable is work-family conflict? Short-term and long-term meta-analyses [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.
Alenick, P., Che, X. X., Nagel, J. A., & Zhou, Z. E. (in press). How supervisor passivity begets subordinate incivility: A moderated mediation model. Occupational Health Science.
Shah, S., Nagel, J. A., Thomas, A., & Zhou, Z.E. (2021, April 14-17). "Why did I have to do that?": Exploring passive leadership's effects on illegitimate tasks and employee job attitudes. In Fila, M. J. & Semmer, N. K. (Chairs), Illegitimate tasks and stressors: New knowledge of processes and boundaries [Symposium presentation]. SIOP 2021 Annual Conference, Online.
Sommer, K. L., Nagel, J. A., & Williams, K. D. (2021). Ostracism applied to the Workplace. In C. Liu & J. Ma (Eds.), Workplace Ostracism: Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences (pp. 1–34). Springer International Publishing.
Nagel, J. A., Patel, K. R., Rothstein, E. G., & Watts, L. L. (2020). Unintended consequences of performance incentives: impacts of framing and structure on performance and cheating. Ethics & Behavior.
Alenick, P., Che, X. X., Nagel, J. A., & Zhou, Z. E. (2020). How supervisor passivity begets subordinate incivility: A moderated mediation model. In Bowling, N.A., & Michel, J. (Chairs), What’s stopping you? Organizational constraints as a major work stressor [Symposium presentation]. SIOP 2020 Annual Conference, Online.