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Lab affiliations: Personnel Selection and Employee Assessment
Anna Bending
Undergraduate institution: The University of Alabama
I am broadly interested in leadership and management development and employee selection, especially in respect to promoting diversity and inclusivity in the workplace.
Representative publications and presentations:
Bending, A., Bumgardner, E., Kois, L., Lescenski, B., Hunter, S., & Parker, D. C. (2022, March). Supporting undergraduate psychology-law research training and service learning during Covid-19.” Presentation at the American Psychology and Law Society (AP-LS) Conference, Denver, CO.
Bending, A., Kois, L., & Hunter, S. (2021, April). Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Significance of Early Intervention Behavior Treatment. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference (URCA), The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.