Contact information:
Lab affiliations: Workplace Mistreatment and Employee Well-Being lab
Annalissa Thomas
Undergraduate institution: Macaulay Honors College - Brooklyn College
My research interests are primarily centered around employee well-being and the work-life interface. Specifically, I am interested in how various leader behaviors influence employee well-being, and my thesis explores the role of leader appreciation on employee burnout. I have additional interests in employee selection and leadership.
Representative Publications and Presentations:
Thomas, A., Lee, S., & Zhou, Z. E. (2022, April). Impact of Leader Appreciation on Employee and Spousal Stress. Symposium paper to be presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Seattle, WA.
Busse, K, Thomas, A., & Zhou, Z.E. (2022). The Spillover and Crossover Effects of Leadership Role Occupancy. Symposium paper to be presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Seattle, WA.
Shah, S., Nagel, J., Thomas, A., Che, X. X., Zhou, Z. E. (2021). “Why did I have to do that?”: Exploring passive leadership’s effects on illegitimate tasks and employee job attitudes. Symposium Paper Accepted by Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.