Professor of Psychology
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Yochi Cohen-Charash

Contact information:
Office: VC 8-286
Phone: (646) 312-3818

Lab: Emotions in Organizations

Google Scholar

Professor Cohen-Charash received her Ph.D. from the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. She has an M.Sc. in Management, Organizational Behavior from the Faculty of Management, Tel-Aviv University, and a BA in psychology from Tel-Aviv University. Her research interests focus on emotions in general and within organizational settings. She studies how emotions motivate the behavior of individuals, groups, and organizations, and how individuals and organizations can influence the emotions and behaviors of others. She mainly focuses on envy, jealousy, and feeling happy for someone else’s good fortune (firgun). She isalso interested in additional emotions, such as fear and greed. Additional lines of research in which she is involved include issues of fairness and justice in organizations; the interface between justice and emotions; the influence of language on emotions, the value-judgment of emotions, and over-disclosure at work.Professor Cohen-Charash manages the Emotions in Organizations lab (see lab link above). At the Ph.D. level, she teaches the core Organizational Psychology seminar, the core Personality seminar, and elective seminars on emotions and justice. At the undergraduate level, she teaches the Introduction to Psychology general course and a seminar about the Holocaust. Professor Cohen-Charash is an Associate Editor of Emotion Review. She is also an executive coach.

Representative Publications:

  • Crusius, J., Gonzalez, M. F., Lange, J., & Cohen-Charash, Y. (2020). Envy: An adversarial
    review and comparison of two competing views. Emotion Review, 12, 3-21. All authors
    contributed equally.

  • Cohen-Charash, Y., & Larson, E. C. (2017). An emotion divided: Studying envy is better than studying “benign” and “malicious” envy.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26, 174–183. doi: 10.1177/0963721416683667

  • Cohen-Charash, Y. (2009). Episodic envy. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39, 2128–2173

  • Cohen-Charash, Y., & Mueller, J. S. (2007). Does perceived unfairness exacerbate or mitigate interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors related to envy? Journal of Applied Psychology. 92, 666-680.

  • Cohen-Charash, Y., & Spector, P. E. (2001). The role of justice in organizations: A meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86, 278-321.