Professor of Psychology Ph.D., University or Maryland

Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University or Maryland

Harold Goldstein

Contact Information:

Office: VC 8-285
Phone: (646) 312-3820


Lab: Personnel Selection and Employee Assessment

Harold is a professor of industrial‐organizational psychology at Baruch College, The City University of New York. He received his doctoral degree in I/O psychology from the University of Maryland in 1993 and held faculty roles at Bowling Green State University and New York University before joining Baruch College in 1997.  His primary areas of expertise are in personnel staffing and equal employment opportunity issues, leadership development and organizational culture.  He is best known for his work on the design of tests of intelligence that produce reduced racial and gender-based subgroup differences. Harold regularly publishes in scholarly journals and books and is the lead editor of the Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Recruitment, Selection, and Employee Retention.  In addition, his work on designing intelligence tests earned him and his team the M. Scott Myers Award for Applied Research from the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the International Personnel Assessment Council’s Innovations Award.  Harold has taught classes on topics such as personnel staffing, organizational behavior, and leadership and managerial development.  He also serves as the director of the Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology program at Baruch College.

Representation Publications:

  • Yusko, K., Aiken, J., Goldstein, H., Scherbaum, C., & Larson, E. (2019). Solving the “Quarterback Problem”: Using Psychological Assessment to Improve Selection Decisions in Professional Sports. In Ronald R. Sims & Sheri K. Bias (Ed.), Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges and Trends: “Now and Around the Corner”. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

  • Larson, E., Yusko, K., Goldstein, H., Scherbaum, C., Aiken, J., and Oliver, L. (2018). Intelligence in the workplace: Recent developments in theory and measurement in intelligence at work.  In V. Zeigler and T. Shackelford (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences. Thousand Oaks: CA.

  • Goldstein, H., Pulakos, E., Passmore, J., & Semedo, C. (2017). The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection, and Employee Retention. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

  • Reeve, C. Scherbaum, C., & Goldstein, H. (2015). Manifestations of intelligence: Expanding the measurement space to reconsider specific cognitive abilities. Human Resource Management Review, 25, 28-37.

  • Scherbaum, C., Goldstein, H., Ryan, R., Agnello, P., Yusko, K., & Hanges, P. (2015). New Developments in Intelligence Theory and Assessment: Implications for Personnel Selection. In J. Oostrom & I. Nikolaou’s (Eds.) Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Assessment. Contemporary Issues for Theory and Practice (99-116). London: Psychology Press-Taylor & Francis.