Desmond Leung was the recipient of a Dissertation Year Fellowship from The Graduate Center, CUNY and the Mary L. Tenopyr Dissertation Scholarship from SIOP for his research entitled: Tell Me a Story: Using Narratives to Reduce Backlash to Organizational Diversity Initiatives. Way to go Desmond!
Annie Kato accepts tenure-track position at Seattle Pacific University
Congratulations to Annie Kato who is now and assistant professor Seattle Pacific University. Great job Annie!
Four students pass comprehensive exams in 2019
Congratulations to Soohyun (Ashley) Lee, Stefanie Gisler, and Desmond Leung (December, 2020) and Paige Alenick (May, 2020) for passing comprehensive exams and advancing to candidacy. Way to go ABDs!
Joshua Nagel wins Abraham Briloff Prize in Ethics for best student paper
Congratulations to Joshual Nagel for receiving the Abraham Briloff Prize in Ethics for his paper entitled: “When do stretch goals, outcome framing, and incentive structures lead to unintended consequences? Tradeoffs between task performance and ethical behavior.” Details about the award can be found here. Way to go Josh!
Doctoral student Vivian Chou and colleagues receive the Adverse Impact Reduction Research Initiative and Action (AIRRIA) Research Grant from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
V. Chou, P. Hanges, C., Scherbaum, & J. Epistola are awarded AIRRIA grant for their project entitled: “Using Neurocognitive Methods to Understand Sources of Adverse Impact on Cognitive Ability Tests.”
SIOP TIP Topics for Students
See the recent issue of our graduate student authored TIP column!
SIOP TIP Topics for Students
See the recent issue of our graduate student authored TIP column!
The Top Five Challenges International Students in I-O Face, and How to Overcome Them