Interested in applying?

Virtual open houses are held every year in August, September, October, and November from 6pm-7pm EST. The open houses will be an opportunity to learn more about the Ph.D. program and application process, hear from current students and faculty, and engage in a question-and-answer session. Learn more.

CUNY ranks in the top 10 doctoral programs in I-O psychology!

Welcome to the main website for the doctoral program in Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). For more information about the terminal master’s degree in I-O psychology at Baruch college, please click here.

I-O psychology focuses on the scientific study of the workplace – including organizations and their employees. I-O psychologists develop skills in the design, execution, and interpretation of research in psychology and apply that research to help address human and organizational problems. 

The Ph.D. training program in I-O psychology at CUNY is designed to prepare students for a wide range of career paths in academic, organizational, and consulting settings. Consistent with the model of I-O psychologists as both scientists and practitioners, our program places a heavy emphasis on developing students’ research and analytical skills as well as the core skills and knowledge of I-O psychology. The program fosters a collaborative culture where students and faculty work together and support one another in the pursuit of student development and research excellence.